Phase 1: Screening of geological storage resources
- How much CO2 can permanently and realistically be stored within a particular area, including prospective depleted fields and saline aquifers
- High level Containment risk assessment - incl. Wells P&A
- Risk Mitigation plan, including robust options for Monitoring and Verification purposes
Phase 2: Feasibility assessment of injection in a depleted field or saline aquifer
- Maturation of CO2 storage resources following the SPE SRMS system
- Multidisciplinary Containment risk assessment & Mitigation plan
- Requirement for new wells and wells to be repurposed & adequately abandoned
- High level assessment of injection profiles
Phase 3: CO2 Storage Development Planning
- Injection profiles & Nr. of new and re-purposes wells
- Complete Monitoring, Validation and Response plan
- EU Permit application requirements for CO2 injection
- Well suspension and abandonment complexity assessment, caprock restoration assessment - ensuring subsurface containment, including the placement of all permanent isolations, together with the associated verification methods and reporting standards.
- Well re-completion and workover complexity assessment, including materials selection considerations for the associated contaminants.
- Well abandonment design, based on the development of an isolation strategy, monitoring plan (where appropriate), record keeping and alignment with local regulation / industry best practice, including a specification to ensure an ALARP risk level.
- Time and cost estimating, including appropriate levels of contingency, for the decommissioning and restoration (D&R), acquisition and divestment of assets.
- Planning and execution programming, based on an assured assessment of the subsurface and mechanical integrity of the well.